Be the voice your child needs. 

The IEP table can be an intimidating place, but it doesn't have to be. The Parent Advocacy Academy will help you transform from overwhelmed-parent to the most prepared at the table! 

Why sign up for the Parent Advocacy Academy?

An informed parent is a powerful parent.  The Parent Advocacy Academy will give you:


In this training, you'll learn the language of special education and educational evaluations. You'll become an expert on all parts of the IEP and the rights that IDEA affords both you and your child.


As a parent, you are an equal member of the IEP team. This training will give you tools and strategies to approach each IEP meeting with confidence, whether it's your first meeting or you've been attending for years. 


You'll walk away from this training with tangible resources that you can use to organize your IEP information, create correspondence, and prepare for your meetings. 
Courtney Aseltine, Non-Attorney Advocate

If you're feeling: 

  • Overwhelmed with evaluation reports
  • Confused about eligibility 
  • Lost in the language of special education
  • Anxious about attending IEP meetings
  • Unsure about the supports & services your child needs
  • Unaware of the rights of your family and child

The Parent Advocacy Academy is for you! 

Our courses

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